#Primavera Unifier
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compassconsultant · 2 months ago
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Construction Project Management Consultancy | Compass Consult
Compass Consult is a highly acclaimed name in the realm of construction project controls and risk management across the Globe. By leveraging our unparalleled industry acumen, we offer a whole suite of project and program management services to help your enterprise function in a more sustainable fashion.
We made a humble outset only to become one of the frontrunners in the industry. We are well versed with the art of combining technological expertise and progressive outlook to render solutions that make a difference. Compass Consult’s consultants are adept at leveraging strategic, forward looking thinking to offer solutions that eradicate risks, threats, losses and uncertainties whilst increasing profits, competence and efficiency.
If you are in the business of construction or project management, then you have probably heard of Oracle Primavera. It is one of the most popular project management software programs on the market today. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Oracle Primavera, including its features and benefits. We will also provide tips for how to get started using it. So, if you are interested in learning more about Oracle Primavera P6, keep reading.
Our competent team’s specialization in harnessing cutting edge software runs the gamut of PMO Systems tools like Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM, Unifier, Aconex, MS Project, Asta Power Project to name of few. We are Oracle Authorized Primavera product implementation, integration and reporting consultancy.
As a premier PMO Systems & BIM implementation & consultancy firm, we offer a whole suite of Portfolio, Programme and Project management solutions to Tier 1 construction companies & government agencies across the globe.
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erpadvisorsgroup · 7 months ago
⏰ Tune in to episode 151 of The ERP Minute for this week’s #erp news on Sage’s financial updates for the first nine months of 2024, Oracle’s release of Primavera Unifier Accelerator, Salesforce’s new AI and data capabilities for Nonprofit Cloud. 
#erpnews #newsupdate #software #softwarenews
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project-management-234 · 9 months ago
Oracle Primavera P6 Mastery: Your Comprehensive Guide to Training and Accreditation
Oracle Primavera P6 is a prominent tool in the ever-evolving field of project management, offering effective planning, management, and execution capabilities. Whether you're an experienced professional or an ambitious project manager, knowing Primavera P6 can greatly improve your job opportunities. The definition of primavera p6 course, its advantages, and the process for obtaining certification will all be covered in this blog.
Oracle Primavera P6: What is it?
A powerful project management tool for intricate, large-scale projects is Oracle Primavera P6. It provides a thorough approach to scheduling, planning, and managing projects. Primavera P6 is utilized in many areas, including IT, engineering, construction, and energy. Its features facilitate resource management, risk management, and teamwork.
Reasons to Study Primavera P6?
1. Increased Effectiveness of Projects
Primavera P6 facilitates the creation of comprehensive project schedules, efficient resource allocation, and progress monitoring, guaranteeing projects are finished on schedule and under budget.
2. Demand in Industry
Expertise in Primavera P6 is highly valued in fields such as engineering and construction. Candidates who can effectively handle large-scale projects with this technology are highly valued by employers.
3. Professional Development
Acquiring knowledge of Primavera P6 can lead to more lucrative positions in advanced project management. It's a useful addition to your repertoire that will help set you apart from other industry experts.
Lessons for Premiera P6
1. Primavera P6's foundations
This course covers the foundations of Primavera P6, including project setup, scheduling, and reporting. It's ideal for novice users who want to fully understand the product.
2. Expert with Primavera P6
For those with a core grasp, the advanced course dives deeper into advanced scheduling tactics, risk analysis, and resource management.
3. Primavera P6 for Construction
This course focuses on using Primavera P6 for construction project management, which includes resource allocation and thorough scheduling. It is specifically developed for professionals in the construction business.
4. Primavera P6 Online Courses
Working professionals can choose from a variety of online platforms where they can take Primavera P6 courses. Frequently included are interactive modules, real-world activities, and video tutorials.
Certification for Primavera P6
Obtaining a Primavera P6 certification will help you stand out as a candidate to companies by attesting to your abilities. Here's how to become certified:
1. Select the Appropriate Certification
Oracle provides a number of certifications for Primavera P6, such as:
Certified Implementation Specialist for Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management and Primavera Unifier
2. Get ready for the test
Take a preparation course, or study on your own with approved Oracle resources. Ensure that you are familiar with every facet of Primavera P6, from its most basic capabilities to its most sophisticated ones.
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3. Acquire Real-World Experience
Practical experience is essential. Gain experience with Primavera P6 practically by working on actual projects or simulations.
4. Sign up and do the test
Visit the Oracle website to register for the certification test. Multiple-choice questions covering different areas of Primavera P6 usually make up the exam. You can obtain an official Oracle certification by passing the exam.
5. Continue to Hold Your Certification
Enroll in more courses and engage in professional development activities to stay current on Primavera P6's newest features and improvements.
In summary
Developing your project management abilities and job chances might be greatly enhanced by learning Oracle Primavera P6. By signing up for primavera p6 certification\ and earning certification, you show that you're serious about project management excellence. Primavera P6 is a useful tool that can assist you in reaching your career objectives, regardless of whether you are just starting out or trying to progress. So go ahead and invest in learning Primavera P6, and you'll see a huge increase in your project management skills.
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dapiarim · 2 years ago
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18 мая 2023 года в отеле "Grand Tien Shan Hotel" (Алматы, Казахстан) состоялся "День управления проектами" от ПМСОФТ, на котором эксперты отрасли разбирали лучшие международные практики по управлению проектами, программами и портфелями проектов, а на следующий день участники конференции приняли участие в воркшопе по практикам стоимостного инжиниринга от AACEI.
Особое внимание делегаты от компаний-участников события обратили на обзор инструментов управления и тенденции цифровизации проектного управления и поблагодарили за возможность поучаствовать в открытой дискуссии о том, как поддерживать стабильное состояние команды, как подбирать оптимальные инструменты и кадры, почему нужно пробовать применять нестандартные подходы к управлению и стараться находить уникальные решения для управления проектами.
В первый день конференции в рамках первого блока "Тренды проектного управления. Гибридное управление проектами. Смена парадигмы" директор по развитию ГК ПМСОФТ Сергей Садовников поделился новостями компании и рассказал про цифровую трансформацию управления проектами. Тимур Барамыков, ведущий консультант ГК ПМСОФТ, подробно остановился на процессах, интеграции, администрировании и аналитики Единого информационного пространства для команды управления проектами, а Мария Широкова, основатель и генеральный директор ТОО "ЭнтерАР" представила концепцию "Цифровой двойник", которая описывает технологии для оптимизации расходов при эксплуатации активов.
В блоке №2 директор по развитию ГК ПМСОФТ Сергей Садовников разобрал вместе с присутствующими практические кейсы применения комплексного решения для управления стоимостью проектов капитального строительства в разрезе оценки стоимости, планирования и контроля стоимости, а ведущий консультант ГК ПМСОФТ Дмитрий Еремин и консультант Департамента проектных решений и технологий ГК ПМСОФТ Ирина Крекнина поделились деталями применения программных продуктов Oracle Primavera P6 и расширения PM.soft, а также Oracle Primavera Unifier. Кроме того, ими были затронуты вопросы применения методологии AWP в проектах капитального строительства.
В рамках блока №3 Дмитрий Еремин совместно со старшим консультантом ГК ПМСОФТ Ксенией Коноваловой описали особенности применения ПО Powerproject BIM (легкое производственное планирование) и TILOS (Планирование и контроль проектов строительства линейных объектов) для оценки стоимости проектов с применением BIM-технологий.
В заключительном блоке первого дня конференции прозвучали доклады "Дорога ложка к обеду - проектные сервисы" и "Интегрированные команды управления проектом Подготовка проектных офисов и повышение зрелости в области управления проектами и стоимостного инжиниринга".
Много вопросов было связано с такими темами как:
Применение информационных моделей в оценке затрат,
Взаимодействия подрядчиков в рамках процессов календарно-сетевого планирования,
Уровень детализации графика и 3D модели,
Автоматизированное создание 4D графика,
Применение информационных моделей в оценке затрат,
Взаимодействия подрядчиков в рамках процессов календарно-сетевого планирования,
Сводный анализ данных из разных источников через PM.
Обсудили и ключевые применяемые практики при выстраивании системы управления проектами и рабочие кейсы:
базовые структуры WBS CBS,
оценка стоимости,
календарно-сетевое планирование,
контроль проекта, методика EVA.
Второй день конференции
В продолжение двухдневной экспертной конференции на следующий день состоялось обучающее мероприятие AACE International по стоимостному инжинирингу, на котором участники почерпнули новые экспертные знания и им сразу же предложили попробовать применить их на практике по направлениям:
Принятие решений в условиях неопределенности. Риск-аппетит и качество решений. Интегрированный анализ графика и стоимости проекта.
Апробированные национальные и зарубежные ��рактики оценки и контроля стоимости крупных капитальных проектов
Инструменты поддержки принятия решений, успешные кейсы управления крупными капитальными проектами
Подготовка персонала, обучение и развитие квалификации в области управления проектами и стоимостного инжиниринга.
Отдельно в адрес организаторов конференции "День управления проектами" звучали слова благодарности за то, что данное мероприятие имело и измеримую практическую ценность и было насыщено сессиями анализа реальных завершившихся проектов, определения эффективных цифровых решений. Кроме того, ни один вопрос в итоге не остался без ответа экспертов и практиков профессионального сообщества.
На мероприятии присутствовали участники от таких компаний как:
Bazis Construction
ENTER Engineering Pte. LTD
ERG Capital Projects
Ernst&Young Global Limited
Eurasian Resources Group (ERG)
Worley Parsons
АО "Алмалыкский ГМК"
АО "Алюминий Казахстана"
АО НК "КазМунайГаз"
Аэропорты ТАВ
Карачаганак Петролиум Операйтинг Б.В.
Компания "BA"
Компания "Worley"
Компания "Гора"
Компания "УОГ"
ООО "Цифровая Индустрия"
ПТК Базис Холдинг
Союз проектных менеджеров РК
ТОО  Инжиниринговая компания "КГНТ"
ТОО "Ancon"
ТОО "Bazis-A Corp"
ТОО "IT-P Engineering"
ТОО "Евразийская Группа"
ТОО "ЕвроХим-Каратау"
ТОО "Нефтестройсервис ЛТД"
ТОО "Норд Минералс Казахстан"
ТОО "Проектная Академия KAZGOR"
ТОО "Урал Ойл энд Газ"
ТОО K Caspian Engineering
ТОО НИИ "Алматыгенплан"
Группа компаний ПМСОФТ благодарит всех выступающих и делегатов компаний-участниц за столь яркий и насыщенный экспертными мнениями день и обязательно будет продолжать практику организации подобных профессиональных конференций в области проектных промышленных решений.
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primavera-p6 · 4 years ago
Guide for the First Time Users of Primavera Unifier
The Primavera Unifier is a known tool providing a cloud-based solution. This is essentially helpful in managing facilities, capital projects, & assets of any size in the vertical market. This is also after combining document management, rich cost management & control, resource & schedule management, fund management, & many more.
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The Primavera Unifier is running using an internet explorer browser. Set the internet explorer & configure it for it to run successfully. This setup is performed for any computer running the Primavera Unifier.
Setting Up the Internet Explorer
Configure the IE browser for the Unifier. Set the security settings for Internet Zone to medium or medium-high. For customized internet settings, call an IT expert for more information. Sign out of the Unifier when you’re finished using it. Close the browser so that the new settings will take effect.
When you finally figured out the computer, log out of the Unifier. Close the browser so that the new settings will take effect.
Mastering More of the Primavera Unifier
In setting it up, it’s likewise more important keeping a few topics in mind. These may include the username & password, log into the primavera unifier, forgot password, security warnings, prevention of the security warning, online help, file viewer & file transfer options, file viewer option, file transfer option, select file viewer, & file transfer options, download & installation of Java & Primavera Unifier file transfer utility.
Downloading & Installing The Java & The Primavera Unifier File Transfer Utility
The Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment or the JRE is needed when using the Advanced or Intermediate file transfer option. Without it, it’s impossible using the AutoVue viewer for the graphic markup documents in the Primavera Unifier. As with the advanced file transfer option, it requires download & installation of the primavera unifier file transfer utility.
The download & installation of the latest version of the Java SE runtime environment requires: logging out of the Unifier where you’re once logged in & going to the website of Oracle in the internet explorer.
Configuring the runtime environment of Java SE includes installing Java. It is followed by accessing the control panel, the program, & the Java. Clicking the view button on the Java tab is done next. Making sure that the Java downloaded is checked & enabled on the user tab is a must. This is followed by expanding the default Java for browsers found on the advanced tab. Checking the Microsoft Explorer is also needed in this case. Click the OK button & close all of the browser windows once when you’re done.
Download & Install the Archived Versions of the Java SE Runtime Environment
Below are the tips for downloading & installing the archived versions of the Java SE Runtime Environment.
· Log out of it if you’re once logged in. · Go to the oracle website link in the internet explorer. · Scroll down a supported version of the Java SE runtime environment. · Create a new login detail if you still have no Oracle web account. · Choose for the Accept License Agreement. · Choose for the right version suited to your operating system · Choose the Save button in downloading the computer file · Follow the instructions onscreen in downloading & installing Java for   
Follow this guide if you’re a first-time user of the Primavera Unifier!
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ilfantasmadeldevon · 5 years ago
A poem by Irene Vella
[English version below]
Era l’11 marzo del 2020, le strade erano vuote, i negozi chiusi, la gente non usciva più Ma la primavera non sapeva nulla Ed i fiori continuavano a sbocciare Ed il sole a splendere E tornavano le rondini E il cielo si colorava di rosa e di blu La mattina si impastava il pane e si infornavano i ciambelloni Diventava buio sempre più tardi e la mattina le luci entravano presto dalle finestre socchiuse Era l’11 marzo 2020 i ragazzi studiavano connessi a Gsuite E nel pomeriggio immancabile l’appuntamento a tressette Fu l’anno in cui si poteva uscire solo per fare la spesa Dopo poco chiusero tutto Anche gli uffici L’esercito iniziava a presidiare le uscite e i confini Perché non c’era più spazio per tutti negli ospedali E la gente si ammalava Ma la primavera non lo sapeva e le gemme continuavano ad uscire Era l’11 marzo del 2020 tutti furono messi in quarantena obbligatoria I nonni le famiglie e anche i giovani Allora la paura diventò reale E le giornate sembravano tutte uguali Ma la primavera non lo sapeva e le rose tornarono a fiorire Si riscoprì il piacere di mangiare tutti insieme Di scrivere lasciando libera l’immaginazione Di leggere volando con la fantasia Ci fu chi imparò una nuova lingua Chi si mise a studiare e chi riprese l’ultimo esame che mancava alla tesi Chi capì di amare davvero separato dalla vita Chi smise di scendere a patti con l’ignoranza Chi chiuse l’ufficio e aprì un’osteria con solo otto coperti Chi lasciò la fidanzata per urlare al mondo l’amore per il suo migliore amico Ci fu chi diventò dottore per aiutare chiunque un domani ne avesse avuto bisogno Fu l’anno in cui si capì l’importanza della salute e degli affetti veri L’anno in cui il mondo sembrò fermarsi E l’economia andare a picco Ma la primavera non lo sapeva e i fiori lasciarono il posto ai frutti E poi arrivò il giorno della liberazione Eravamo alla tv e il primo ministro disse a reti unificate che l’emergenza era finita E che il virus aveva perso Che gli italiani tutti insieme avevano vinto E allora uscimmo per strada Con le lacrime agli occhi Senza mascherine e guanti Abbracciando il nostro vicino Come fosse nostro fratello E fu allora che arrivò l’estate Perché la primavera non lo sapeva Ed aveva continuato ad esserci Nonostante tutto Nonostante il virus Nonostante la paura Nonostante la morte Perché la primavera non lo sapeva Ed insegnò a tutti La forza della vita. [English version]
It was March 11th 2020, the streets were empty, the shops were closed, people were no longer getting outside
But spring didn’t know about that
And flowers continued to bloom
And the sun to shine
And swallows returned
And the sky was turning pink and blue
In the morning bread was kneaded and ciambelloni were baked
It was getting dark later and later and in the morning the lights came in early through the half-open windows
It was March 11th 2020 and kids were studying connected to Gsuite
And in the afternoon was the unmissable appointment with Tressette
That was the year during which you could only get out to grocery shop
Then they closed everything
Even the offices
The army started to guard exits and borders
Because there wasn't enough space for everyone in the hospitals
And people were falling sick
But spring didn't know about that, and the buds kept coming out
It was March 11th 2020 and everyone was put in mandatory quarantine
The elderly, families and even the young
Then, fear became real
And the days looked all the same
But spring didn't know about that and roses bloomed again
People rediscovered the pleasure to eat together
To write leaving the imagination free
To read flying with the imagination
There were those who learnt a new language
Those who started studying and who took the last exam missing to get their degree
Those who realized that they were really loving separated from the life
Those who stopped coming to terms with ignorance
Those who closed their offices and opened a tavern with only eight seats
Those who broke up with their girlfriends to scream to the world their love for their best friend
There were those who became doctors to help anyone needing help tomorrow
That was the year during which we realized the importance of health and of true affections
The year during which the world seemed to stop
And the economy to sank
But spring didn't know about that and flowers left their places to fruits
And then the liberation day came
We were in front of the tv and the prime minister said to unified networks that the emergency was over
And that the virus lost
That Italians all together won
And then we went out on the streets
With tears in our eyes
Without masks and gloves
Hugging our neighbour
Like he was our brother
And it was then that summer came
Because spring didn't know about that
And it had continued to be there
Despite everything
Despite the virus
Despite the fear
Despite the death
Because spring didn't know about that
And taught everyone
The power of life
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mamaholistica · 3 years ago
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Happy Wednesday! ☀️🪴😍 🎁 Espero que estén muy bien, yo estuve un poco enferma (no de la enfermedad que ya saben) pero poco a poco incorporándome y engriéndome un poco disfrutando de la #primavera tímida con corrientes de frío y a veces neblinas o lluvia, pero al mal tiempo buena cara y yo con mi cara feliz porque me encanta lavar mi piel con @yeouthskincare #Yeouth VITAMIN C FACIAL CLEANSER WITH ALOE VERA GREEN TEA & SEAWEED me encanta porque con sus ingredientes elimina suavemente incluso el maquillaje más resistente, unifica el tono de piel, refina la textura de la piel,elimina los poros del exceso de aceite y suciedad, y nutre completamente la piel del rostro. • Puedes conseguirlo en @amazon con el código de descuento SOCIAL15 para que obtengan un 15 % de descuento 🤑 #linkinbio 👉 https://www.amazon.com/s?maas=maas_adg_B187283F9AF9598D7E8E51A84EBF8918_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas&k=facial+cleanser&rh=p_78%3AB0725WW38Z 👈 • ¡Recomendada! El producto es Paraben Free, Sulfate Free, Phthalates Free, Fragrance Free, GMO Free y Triclosan Free! 👍💁🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ • • ENGLISH VERSION: Happy Wednesday! ☀️🪴😍 🎁 I hope you are very well, I was a little sick (not from the disease you already know) but little by little I got up and I enjoying the shy #spring with currents of cold and sometimes mist or rain, but bad weather good face and me with my happy face because I love washing my skin with @yeouthskincare #Yeouth VITAMIN C FACIAL CLEANSER WITH ALOE VERA GREEN TEA & SEAWEED I love it because with the ingredients gently removes even the most resistant makeup, unifies the tone of skin, refines skin texture, rids pores of excess oil and dirt, and fully nourishes facial skin. 🥰 • You can get it at @amazon with discount code SOCIAL15 for a 15% discount 🤑 #linkinbio 👉 https://www.amazon.com/s?maas=maas_adg_B187283F9AF9598D7E8E51A84EBF8918_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas&k=facial+cleanser&rh=p_78%3AB0725WW38Z 👈 • Recommended! The product is Paraben Free, Sulfate Free, Phthalates Free, Fragrance Free, GMO Free and Triclosan Free! 👍💁🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb-zNhdLW2X/?utm_medium=tumblr
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communityintrest · 4 years ago
New Launch 1Z0-439 PDF Dumps with Updated 1Z0-439 Questions
New Launch 1Z0-439 PDF Dumps with Updated 1Z0-439 Questions
New 1Z0-439 Dumps – Refreshed 1Z0-439 Exam Questions Get through Your Test just with CertsGuru We CertsGuru can comprehend that Primavera Unifier 10 Essentials certification isn’t something simple for competitors, so for your effortlessness, we have arranged the Oracle 1Z0-439 exam dumps pdf questions in helpful ways for our IT understudies, who need to obtain information on Oracle…
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isaiahrippinus · 5 years ago
We Asked 11 Beer Pros: What’s the Best New Beer You’ve Had This Summer?
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In case you missed it, summer 2020 came in the middle of a global pandemic. In a period that has required following safety measures, including mask wearing and social distancing, many of the season’s pastimes that so often accompany beer — barbecues, beach days, ballgames — have looked different or been abandoned altogether.
The custom of beating the summer heat with a refreshing drink, too, has taken on unconventional forms amid the coronavirus pandemic, as most states have temporarily loosened laws around takeout and delivery alcohol, a small lifeline for a handicapped food-and-beverage industry struggling to survive.
Craft brewers, for instance, have been battered by evaporated on-premises sales at taprooms, bars, and restaurants. In a survey of its members conducted by the Brewers Association in April, the majority did not believe they could stay in business for three months if current conditions continued. And, as a cost-cutting measure, data shows innovation has slowed: Almost half as many new beer releases, themselves an earmark of small, independent American breweries, are being registered compared to the same period last year due to Covid-19.
Still, producers are pushing through the crisis — for one, they’re adopting creative ways of packaging and selling in a constantly changing regulatory landscape. And, as we share below, many brewers are still releasing new offerings, helping beer lovers salvage the sublime joy of summer imbibing.
So, with this far-from-normal summer nearing its end, we asked brewers across the country to tell us about the beers that impressed them the most so far.
“Let’s be honest: Summers in Phoenix are BRUTALLY hot. Like, working the deep fryer inside of a food truck parked at the gates of Hell hot. It’s a type of heat that’s so intense, only those who experience it know how truly awful it is — and why liquid solace is needed. For me this summer it came from Humble Seas’ West Coast-leaning pilsner, Beverly Krills 90210. Dry-hopped with a nice blend of American and noble varieties, it’s a great example of what a contemporary American pilsner can be: Dry, sessionable, with subtle fruity hop aromatics, and the perfect amount of balanced maltiness. The head retention absolutely begs for a slow pour so you can build those nice frothy, aromatic peaks, almost like Arizona’s mountainous landscape.” — Kyle Kreig, Taproom Manager, Wren House Brewing Co., Phoenix
“With everything that’s been going on, it’s been incredibly important to find joy in the little things. I definitely found a bit of joy this summer in Tripping Animals’ joint can release, Am I A Cat? and Am I A Dog? It’s ‘90s cartoon nostalgia meets experimental beer cuvée, where both are designed to stand alone and also be mixed. Both titles had the same sour base and coconut additions. But the Cat was conditioned on blueberry and pomegranate, and the Dog pineapple and key lime. Once you combined them, it was like a perfectly tart key lime pie with a berry reduction on top! Changing the ratios of the cuvée made each drink exciting, playful, and unique. I had a lot of fun drinking something so interactive and flavorful!” — Susie Bennett, Quality Assurance Analyst, Motorworks Brewing, Bradenton, Fla.
“To support the Black Lives Matter movement, several brewers have stepped up and launched initiatives to speak about and work toward combating the racial injustice we face. Weathered Souls’ Black Is Beautiful ignited this large-scale industry support and it has been astronomical, while more recent efforts such as the ongoing, open-source project BREATHING : CONVERSATIONS from Finback in New York will go deeper into the route of problems, and further push necessary change. Knowing the people at Finback, it isn’t a brewery to make a beer to appease BIPOC and not seem racist, or to follow ‘woke’ trends, but to effectively bring forward conversations and ideas that aren’t comfortable, but need to be had.” — James Higgs, Brand Ambassador, Forager Brewery, Rochester, Minn.
“Saaz Off Shotgun, a Czech-style pilsner from Radicle Effect Brewerks, was my go-to summer beer. Radicle is a nanobrewery, so it doesn’t put out too many lagers. But luckily for some small brewers, Covid-19 allowed them to have extra time to lager. Saaz Off was released right when patios started to open back up here, and it was the perfect way to bring some normalcy back. Crispy, and all of the character from the Saaz hops shine.” — Glenn Cole, Brand Ambassador, Midwest Ale Works, East Moline, Ill.
“Weathered Souls’ Black Is Beautiful initiative unified over 1,000 breweries this summer to take a stance and bring awareness to the systemic issues that challenge communities of color. This led to an incredible lineup of varying stout recipes, like ours, in tandem with Trillium Brewing, aged on a bed of Papua New Guinea vanilla beans. Aside from our deliciousness, one Black Is Beautiful stout that really stood out was from two other Massachusetts beer makers, Vitamin Sea and Brockton. They put an extra twist on their version and went with a blackberry sour that had a complex yet subtle layering of marshmallow and chocolate whirled into a deep dark color bursting with blackberry flavor. Well balanced and absolutely a memorable beer.” — Ray Berry, Founder and President, White Lion Brewing, Springfield, Mass.
“Key Brewing’s Semi Charmed takes me back to the time when pale ales and Northwest hops ruled the beer land. Light amber in color, with distinct maltiness and assertive bitterness presented harmoniously. The Baltimore tie-in to ‘Charm City’ also tells a great story.” — Rob Day, Senior Director of Marketing, Jack’s Abby Craft Lagers and Springdale Beer Co., Framingham, Mass.
“At the start of summer, my girlfriend and I drove up from Texas to a cabin nestled on a lake in the Adirondacks. On the way, we spent the night at my old stomping grounds, in northern Virginia, to stay with a friend. To my delight, she had a case of Aslin beers waiting for me. Aslin’s That’s Facts, a pilsner dry-hopped with Waimea and Motueka hops, became my go-to adventure beer. Though everything we drank during that time tasted better thanks to the setting and company, That’s Facts was the one I kept reaching for when hiking or kayaking, or when sunset was involved. And just like our time quarantining on the lake, my 4-pack of this crispy pilsner was thoroughly enjoyed, finished way too soon, and left me craving more. And that’s facts.” — Eli Traks, Photography and Social Media Manager, Turning Point Beer, Bedford, Tex.
“My pick is the Big Ditch and Ommegang collaboration, Superior Helles. Of course, any well-crafted helles is a sublime summer crusher, but these two Upstate New York brewers took it to the next level with the deft addition of Hallertau Blanc and Bavaria Mandarina hops, which together layer a delicate aroma of noble hops and tropical fruit atop a sound, cracker-y malt base which adds a soft sweetness. The beer is a perfect accompaniment to a sweltering day, yet also holds its own in a food-pairing situation with lighter summer fare such as a salad or pasta primavera. Prost!” — Ethan Cox, Founder, Community Beer Works, Buffalo, N.Y.
“As a brewer who likes to spend their spare time hiking and camping, I like to reach for beers that I can pack easily and are the ones I’ll wanna drink when I get to a lake or summit. That beer for me this summer is Kolsch 4.5, by Logsdon Farmhouse Ales. I’ve had an admiration for Logsdon since getting into craft beer, with its ability to produce beautiful saisons and mixed-culture beers. The Washington [State] brewery moved facilities and has expanded to brewing styles like IPAs and lagers. Kolsch 4.5 is a perfect example of the team’s rounded ability to make a delicate, crisp, and refreshing German-style ale that can be taken with you on any adventure. And yes, it’s really 4.5 percent ABV. And no, it doesn’t come with Zig-Zags.” — Anne Aviles, Brewer, Breakside Brewery, Portland, Ore.
“My pick is from Nashville’s one-man operation, Barrique Brewing and Blending. Joel Stickrod’s BBA [bourbon-barrel aged] Freeman Red is a traditional Flanders red initially aged on red muscadine grapes, then finished for an additional six months in a Wild Turkey barrel. The extended bourbon-barrel-aging adds some wonderful vanilla, char, and whiskey character to a style that is oft overstated and can tiptoe the line of aggression.” — Dylan Field, Operations, Southern Grist Brewing Company, Nashville
“White Sangria Hut, from Half Acre’s Wyld program. This open-fermented, oak-aged saison was racked onto Michigan peaches and Pinot Gris must, and then introduced to Cara Cara orange peels. It offers tons of bright, exotic, tropical flavors — kiwi, peach, coconut, citrus — and truly makes you feel like you are sitting beachside somewhere on the coast of Spain. It has definitely provided the greatest degree of escape from the confines of summer quarantine in Chicago. It’s hard to tell while sipping, but this beer also packs a hefty 10 percent ABV. And though that is typically a bit higher alcohol than I like in my day-to-day beer, it’s exactly what I want when I‘m pretending to lounge around on a faraway beach.” — Averie Swanson, Founder and Brewer, Keeping Together, Chicago
The article We Asked 11 Beer Pros: What’s the Best New Beer You’ve Had This Summer? appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/beer-pros-new-summer-beer-2020/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/627708682284793856
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johnboothus · 5 years ago
We Asked 11 Beer Pros: Whats the Best New Beer Youve Had This Summer?
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In case you missed it, summer 2020 came in the middle of a global pandemic. In a period that has required following safety measures, including mask wearing and social distancing, many of the season’s pastimes that so often accompany beer — barbecues, beach days, ballgames — have looked different or been abandoned altogether.
The custom of beating the summer heat with a refreshing drink, too, has taken on unconventional forms amid the coronavirus pandemic, as most states have temporarily loosened laws around takeout and delivery alcohol, a small lifeline for a handicapped food-and-beverage industry struggling to survive.
Craft brewers, for instance, have been battered by evaporated on-premises sales at taprooms, bars, and restaurants. In a survey of its members conducted by the Brewers Association in April, the majority did not believe they could stay in business for three months if current conditions continued. And, as a cost-cutting measure, data shows innovation has slowed: Almost half as many new beer releases, themselves an earmark of small, independent American breweries, are being registered compared to the same period last year due to Covid-19.
Still, producers are pushing through the crisis — for one, they’re adopting creative ways of packaging and selling in a constantly changing regulatory landscape. And, as we share below, many brewers are still releasing new offerings, helping beer lovers salvage the sublime joy of summer imbibing.
So, with this far-from-normal summer nearing its end, we asked brewers across the country to tell us about the beers that impressed them the most so far.
“Let’s be honest: Summers in Phoenix are BRUTALLY hot. Like, working the deep fryer inside of a food truck parked at the gates of Hell hot. It’s a type of heat that’s so intense, only those who experience it know how truly awful it is — and why liquid solace is needed. For me this summer it came from Humble Seas’ West Coast-leaning pilsner, Beverly Krills 90210. Dry-hopped with a nice blend of American and noble varieties, it’s a great example of what a contemporary American pilsner can be: Dry, sessionable, with subtle fruity hop aromatics, and the perfect amount of balanced maltiness. The head retention absolutely begs for a slow pour so you can build those nice frothy, aromatic peaks, almost like Arizona’s mountainous landscape.” — Kyle Kreig, Taproom Manager, Wren House Brewing Co., Phoenix
“With everything that’s been going on, it’s been incredibly important to find joy in the little things. I definitely found a bit of joy this summer in Tripping Animals’ joint can release, Am I A Cat? and Am I A Dog? It’s ‘90s cartoon nostalgia meets experimental beer cuvée, where both are designed to stand alone and also be mixed. Both titles had the same sour base and coconut additions. But the Cat was conditioned on blueberry and pomegranate, and the Dog pineapple and key lime. Once you combined them, it was like a perfectly tart key lime pie with a berry reduction on top! Changing the ratios of the cuvée made each drink exciting, playful, and unique. I had a lot of fun drinking something so interactive and flavorful!” — Susie Bennett, Quality Assurance Analyst, Motorworks Brewing, Bradenton, Fla.
“To support the Black Lives Matter movement, several brewers have stepped up and launched initiatives to speak about and work toward combating the racial injustice we face. Weathered Souls’ Black Is Beautiful ignited this large-scale industry support and it has been astronomical, while more recent efforts such as the ongoing, open-source project BREATHING : CONVERSATIONS from Finback in New York will go deeper into the route of problems, and further push necessary change. Knowing the people at Finback, it isn’t a brewery to make a beer to appease BIPOC and not seem racist, or to follow ‘woke’ trends, but to effectively bring forward conversations and ideas that aren’t comfortable, but need to be had.” — James Higgs, Brand Ambassador, Forager Brewery, Rochester, Minn.
“Saaz Off Shotgun, a Czech-style pilsner from Radicle Effect Brewerks, was my go-to summer beer. Radicle is a nanobrewery, so it doesn’t put out too many lagers. But luckily for some small brewers, Covid-19 allowed them to have extra time to lager. Saaz Off was released right when patios started to open back up here, and it was the perfect way to bring some normalcy back. Crispy, and all of the character from the Saaz hops shine.” — Glenn Cole, Brand Ambassador, Midwest Ale Works, East Moline, Ill.
“Weathered Souls’ Black Is Beautiful initiative unified over 1,000 breweries this summer to take a stance and bring awareness to the systemic issues that challenge communities of color. This led to an incredible lineup of varying stout recipes, like ours, in tandem with Trillium Brewing, aged on a bed of Papua New Guinea vanilla beans. Aside from our deliciousness, one Black Is Beautiful stout that really stood out was from two other Massachusetts beer makers, Vitamin Sea and Brockton. They put an extra twist on their version and went with a blackberry sour that had a complex yet subtle layering of marshmallow and chocolate whirled into a deep dark color bursting with blackberry flavor. Well balanced and absolutely a memorable beer.” — Ray Berry, Founder and President, White Lion Brewing, Springfield, Mass.
“Key Brewing’s Semi Charmed takes me back to the time when pale ales and Northwest hops ruled the beer land. Light amber in color, with distinct maltiness and assertive bitterness presented harmoniously. The Baltimore tie-in to ‘Charm City’ also tells a great story.” — Rob Day, Senior Director of Marketing, Jack’s Abby Craft Lagers and Springdale Beer Co., Framingham, Mass.
“At the start of summer, my girlfriend and I drove up from Texas to a cabin nestled on a lake in the Adirondacks. On the way, we spent the night at my old stomping grounds, in northern Virginia, to stay with a friend. To my delight, she had a case of Aslin beers waiting for me. Aslin’s That’s Facts, a pilsner dry-hopped with Waimea and Motueka hops, became my go-to adventure beer. Though everything we drank during that time tasted better thanks to the setting and company, That’s Facts was the one I kept reaching for when hiking or kayaking, or when sunset was involved. And just like our time quarantining on the lake, my 4-pack of this crispy pilsner was thoroughly enjoyed, finished way too soon, and left me craving more. And that’s facts.” — Eli Traks, Photography and Social Media Manager, Turning Point Beer, Bedford, Tex.
“My pick is the Big Ditch and Ommegang collaboration, Superior Helles. Of course, any well-crafted helles is a sublime summer crusher, but these two Upstate New York brewers took it to the next level with the deft addition of Hallertau Blanc and Bavaria Mandarina hops, which together layer a delicate aroma of noble hops and tropical fruit atop a sound, cracker-y malt base which adds a soft sweetness. The beer is a perfect accompaniment to a sweltering day, yet also holds its own in a food-pairing situation with lighter summer fare such as a salad or pasta primavera. Prost!” — Ethan Cox, Founder, Community Beer Works, Buffalo, N.Y.
“As a brewer who likes to spend their spare time hiking and camping, I like to reach for beers that I can pack easily and are the ones I’ll wanna drink when I get to a lake or summit. That beer for me this summer is Kolsch 4.5, by Logsdon Farmhouse Ales. I’ve had an admiration for Logsdon since getting into craft beer, with its ability to produce beautiful saisons and mixed-culture beers. The Washington [State] brewery moved facilities and has expanded to brewing styles like IPAs and lagers. Kolsch 4.5 is a perfect example of the team’s rounded ability to make a delicate, crisp, and refreshing German-style ale that can be taken with you on any adventure. And yes, it’s really 4.5 percent ABV. And no, it doesn’t come with Zig-Zags.” — Anne Aviles, Brewer, Breakside Brewery, Portland, Ore.
“My pick is from Nashville’s one-man operation, Barrique Brewing and Blending. Joel Stickrod’s BBA [bourbon-barrel aged] Freeman Red is a traditional Flanders red initially aged on red muscadine grapes, then finished for an additional six months in a Wild Turkey barrel. The extended bourbon-barrel-aging adds some wonderful vanilla, char, and whiskey character to a style that is oft overstated and can tiptoe the line of aggression.” — Dylan Field, Operations, Southern Grist Brewing Company, Nashville
“White Sangria Hut, from Half Acre’s Wyld program. This open-fermented, oak-aged saison was racked onto Michigan peaches and Pinot Gris must, and then introduced to Cara Cara orange peels. It offers tons of bright, exotic, tropical flavors — kiwi, peach, coconut, citrus — and truly makes you feel like you are sitting beachside somewhere on the coast of Spain. It has definitely provided the greatest degree of escape from the confines of summer quarantine in Chicago. It’s hard to tell while sipping, but this beer also packs a hefty 10 percent ABV. And though that is typically a bit higher alcohol than I like in my day-to-day beer, it’s exactly what I want when I‘m pretending to lounge around on a faraway beach.” — Averie Swanson, Founder and Brewer, Keeping Together, Chicago
The article We Asked 11 Beer Pros: What’s the Best New Beer You’ve Had This Summer? appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/beer-pros-new-summer-beer-2020/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/we-asked-11-beer-pros-whats-the-best-new-beer-youve-had-this-summer
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kiro-anarka · 6 years ago
En los últimos días se escucha “ayuda humanitaria” cada vez que se habla de Venezuela. Esa es la forma en la que presentan Estados Unidos y los seguidores de Guaidó su intento de intervención en el país para derrocar a Maduro. En Argentina, medios como Clarín, La Nación e Infobae lo repitieron incansablemente, para dar a entender que la intención del gobierno de Trump es la de entregar donaciones desinteresadas a la población venezolana que está atravesando una crisis social enorme.
Pero no es la primera vez que Estados Unidos amenaza con invadir un país por razones “humanitarias”. Veamos qué hizo en otras oportunidades. 1) Panamá
En 1989, Estados Unidos activó la “operación causa justa” y entró con 20.000 marines a Panamá buscando la salida del presidente Manuel Noriega. Con un impresionante apoyo aéreo y naval, lanzaron bombardeos y un asalto masivo contra aeropuertos, puertos, edificios estatales y otros puntos estratégicos. En dos semanas lograron capturar a Noriega (que fue llevado a EE.UU. para ser condenado por narcotráfico) y dejaron una gran destrucción y miles de muertos y heridos, sobre todo en la población civil de barrios populares como en El Chorrillo. Lo sorprendente es que el represor Noriega, hasta poco tiempo antes, había sido colaborador de la CIA y jamás lo habían acusado de narcotraficante. El objetivo real de Estados Unidos era extender su control sobre el canal de Panamá, lo cual hicieron hasta 1999.
2) Irak
En el 2003, el presidente George Bush (hijo) lanzó una campaña asegurando que Irak, el país dirigido por Saddam Husein, tenía armas de destrucción masiva. Esas armas nunca aparecieron, pero cuando se supo que no existían, el país ya estaba invadido, los muertos se contaban por millones -sí, millones- y Estados Unidos ya tenía bajo su control al país, en una ocupación que se mantuvo hasta el 2011.
3) Haití
Haití se encuentra ocupada desde el año 2004 por orden de EE.UU. con el acuerdo de la ONU, bajo una misión militar comandada por Brasil y compuesta por varios países latinoamericanos. La excusa fue “estabilizar la democracia” y llevar “asistencia humanitaria”. Las organizaciones populares de Haití denunciaron muchísimas veces las violaciones a los derechos humanos de parte de los ocupadores, que incluyen desde persecuciones y detenciones hasta asesinatos políticos, masacres en los barrios más pobres de la capital y violaciones de mujeres y niñas. Los gobiernos “progresistas” latinoamericanos formaron parte de esta invasión con el pretexto de “sostener la democracia” en Haití. En el 2010 un terremoto arrasó al país y dejó 3 millones de afectados directos según la ONU. También dejó decenas de miles de muertos, que según distintas fuentes van hasta 100 mil. Ante este escenario Estados Unidos volvió a hablar de “ayuda humanitaria” y reforzó la ocupación con 10.000 marines, aprovechando la situación para fortalecer su poder en la isla frente al resto de los países que eran parte de la intervención. 4) Libia
En el 2011, miles de libios salieron a las calles para enfrentar al gobierno de Muammar Kadafi, en el marco de lo que se llamó la “primavera árabe”. Estados Unidos aprovechó esa situación para su propio interés y le exigió a la OTAN organizar la operación bautizada “Unified Protector”, con decenas de naves, cientos de aviones de 19 países y grupos especiales como el SAS inglés y “asesores” franceses. La invasión era, supuestamente, para restablecer la democracia en el país. Pero el resultado fueron miles de muertos y desaparecidos, decenas de miles de heridos y el país del norte aprovechó para quedarse con todo el petróleo. 5) ¿Venezuela?
En pleno 2019, desde la Casa Blanca se vuelven a repetir los mismos argumentos para justificar los intentos de entrar, esta vez, en Venezuela. La operación es tan grande que organizaron un festival “solidario” con artistas de todo el continente a metros de la frontera, el mismo día que amenazaban con ingresar, “sí o sí”, su “ayuda humanitaria”. El resultado no fue bueno para los imperialistas, que no lograron un gran apoyo popular ni consiguieron que se pasaran a su bando sectores significativos de las fuerzas armadas.
Después de esa dura derrota y con la vuelta de Guaidó a Venezuela, Estados Unidos confirma que sigue respaldando una salida golpista, aunque no esté en condiciones -por ahora- de preparar una invasión militar. Parece ser que vienen tiempos de "humanitarismo" salvaje en Latinoamérica. Si Trump quiere "solidaridad", que se encuentre con miles y miles de laburantes y jóvenes solidarios entre sí, organizados para desterrar al imperialismo de una vez y para siempre.
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ya-ya-sestrahood · 8 years ago
Panacea (an Orphan Black MK/Cosima fic)
Veera and Cosima brave the disease that hangs over them.
For @karinta-agogobell-unified​
After a while, Veera stopped tensing up every time she heard a knock at her door, finally silencing the voice in her head screaming danger. Eventually, it became the best part of her day.
She pulled open the door, and there she was. Cosima, her… girlfriend. Veera’s girlfriend, her smile a thousand times too bright for Veera’s drab apartment. The sight of her was enough to remind Veera of her own inadequacies. Her hand drifted to her own hair, draping it across the right side of her face.
“Hey,” Cosima said, placing a hand alongside the same cheek.
She brought her face in close, like it was the most natural thing in the world, like the moment before each kiss didn’t make Veera feel like she was falling. Their lips connected, and Veera was safe. Cosima was always, always there to catch her.
“H-hi,” Veera said.
“It looks cute on you,” Cosima noted, brushing the back of her hand against the arm of Veera’s sweater. Veera had offhandedly mentioned that the heat in her apartment didn’t reach her couch. The next day, Cosima brought over some blankets and a thick sweater. Blue, because she said it suited Veera. Veera didn’t know why, only that it meant Cosima was thinking about her. Blue suited her.
“It fits okay, right?” Cosima asked. “I figure we’re the same size.”
“Yes,” Veera said, tugging at the ends of the sleeves. “Thank you. It’s very warm.”
Cosima smiled and slipped past Veera into the apartment.
“So,” she said. “What are you thinking for food? Your pick. I’m starving, totally good with anything right now.”
She flopped down onto the couch, sinking into it, and pulled one of the new blankets over herself. It was all so casual, like this was home.
“Actually,” Veera said, sort of half-motioning toward the kitchen. There was a pot on the stove and a cutting board on the counter, items usually confined to her cabinets. “I, um…”
“Mika,” Cosima said, a shining grin on her face. “Did you cook for me?”
Veera swallowed, nodding.
“Pasta primavera,” she said. “I followed the recipe exactly, but it took longer than expected. I’m sorry, I didn’t have time to clean up or set the--”
She paused as she felt Cosima take her hand, placing tiny, fluttering kisses up and down her fingers, looking up at her with something that resembled love. Veera couldn’t believe any of this was real.
None of the other Ledas had been quite what Veera was expecting based on the data she’d collected. Sarah was more kind. Helena was so much more kind. And Cosima… nothing could have prepared her for Cosima.
It had started off as an easy friendship, the two instantly bonding over their love of hard sci-fi and board games, then quickly grew as they found a home in each other’s company. Eventually, they were inseparable. It seemed like every day Cosima was inviting Veera over to binge some old low-budget sci-fi show, or out to some art showcase or small concert Veera would otherwise have never dreamed of attending. But with Cosima there, she wanted to. Every time.
And that’s what it was, for a while. It hadn’t occurred to Veera that it could be anything else.
“What else?” Cosima asked herself, eyes darting around the room. She was finally showing Veera around her lab and could hardly contain her giddiness. “Oh!”
She practically slid across the floor to a small rack of computers against the wall.
“These guys do all the heavy lifting,” she said, patting the top computer like a proud parent. “Protein modeling, uh--”
She stopped mid-sentence, catching the way Veera was looking at her.
“I’m totally boring you, aren’t I?”
“No!” Veera said instinctively.
She’d been staring. Why had she been staring? She remembered noticing the way Cosima tucked her pen behind her ear. She remembered noticing the specific way Cosima’s hands moved when she was excited. She remembered noticing the gleam of Cosima’s smile as she bragged about all the “underlings” she got to boss around.
She couldn’t say any of that, she realized. She’d sound ridiculous.
“I was just thinking… I’m glad I met you,” she said instead.
Heat rose to her face. She wasn’t sure what was happening to her, but she was hit with an intense anxiety, her stomach twisting around itself.
“Aw, hey,” Cosima said, and Veera found herself staring again, at the way her face softened in affection. Suddenly, her hand was on Veera’s arm. “I’m glad I met you too.”
She’d known for a while that something was different with Cosima. With Niki and Beth, she’d missed them when they were apart. With Cosima, she missed her while they were together. There were sides to Cosima she knew she would never know, and it ached in her chest. Here, suddenly, it was becoming clear to her what that meant.
Cosima let her arm fall, and then her hand was on Veera’s. Sparks shot up her arm. She recognized this moment: the pregnant silence, the sustained eye contact. This was the part where the boy kisses the girl. This was the part where Veera…
Her eyes scanned Cosima’s face for something, any indication at all that she wasn’t about to make the biggest mistake of her life. The thought terrified her, but not nearly as much as the thought of letting her one and only opportunity slip through her fingers. After a moment, Cosima gave a small tilt of her head, drawing Veera’s eyes back to hers. She smiled.
It was enough.
Veera shoved aside the doubts in her mind, jolting forward and pressing her lips to Cosima’s. For a moment, she got to relish the feel of it, Cosima’s lips soft and warm on hers. Then the fears returned, hurtling, screaming back into her head.
You’ve ruined it. You just ruined everything. She’ll never speak to you again. She’ll tell the others about this, and they’ll all laugh at you. Stupid, stupid Veera. You’re going to be alone for the rest of your life.
She shut her eyes tight, wishing desperately that she could just disappear, never have to think about this horrible, blissful moment ever again. She pulled away, or tried to, but Cosima’s hand was at the back of her neck, gently guiding them back together. A tiny, joyful whimper escaped Veera’s mouth, and she felt Cosima smile against her lips.
In the months since then, Veera had slowly stopped worrying that she would somehow ruin this. Cosima was still here. Cosima wanted to be with her. This was Veera’s life now. She had a girlfriend she wanted to cook meals for, not out of fear of losing her, but just to make her happy.
“Do you think it could use more salt?” Veera asked, watching intently as Cosima took her first bite. “The recipe was well-reviewed, but there were a few complaints of--”
She paused, feeling Cosima’s hand on hers.
“It’s perfect.”
Veera took the hint, accepting the compliment with a smile and a nod.
“So,” Cosima said. “I know I said I wanted to check out that concert tonight, but I’m actually pretty beat. What do you think, stay in and play video games?”
As much as Veera enjoyed going out together, this was the most exciting thing Cosima could have said.
“Yeah, I thought you might like that,” she said, noticing Veera’s grin.
It hadn’t taken long for them to find their rhythm. Veera had no idea how, but Cosima made it easy, slipping into the girlfriend role like it had been custom made for her. She’d snapped her fingers, and they were a couple. Simple as that.
Case in point: a few days after the kiss, Veera sitting on Cosima’s couch, Cosima casually lying across her lap, gently stroking the palm of her hand. The weight of her was the greatest comfort Veera had ever known.
“I so didn’t expect this,” Cosima said softly.
“Just this,” she said, drawing a small circle in the air around them with her free hand. “You and me.”
Veera tried to read the tone of her voice, something she was never very good at.
“Hey, don’t make that face,” Cosima said, flashing her a warm smile. “It’s a good thing. One of those things you don’t realize you need until it happens, you know?”
Veera nodded. She felt the same, of course.
“I just want you to know,” Cosima said. “Even if I don’t have much time left, I’m just happy that I get to spend it with you.”
And there it was, the awful, hideous truth. Cosima was sick. She was sick, and no one could tell Veera that she would be cured in time.
Veera inhaled sharp, shuddering. Her vision blurred with the sudden sting of tears.
“Shit,” Cosima said. She sat up, taking and cradling Veera’s head against her chest. “That was way too heavy. I’m an idiot, I’m sorry.”
Veera thought about Niki. She thought about Beth. Here Cosima was, recognizing and accepting her own mortality, and all Veera could think about was losing another woman she loved. She hid her face in Cosima’s shoulder, ashamed by her own selfishness.
“We’ll find a cure,” she choked.
Cosima ran her hand up and down Veera’s back.
“I know,” she said.
Veera knew it was a lie, but it was a lie she needed.
“Dude,” Cosima sighed. “Just because you memorized all the fatalities doesn’t mean you have to rip my guts out every time.”
“I do it out of love,” Veera replied, half-smirking. Down, left, right, right. Veera input the combo and watched her character tear out Cosima’s character’s ribs and shove them through her skull.
“Such a romantic,” Cosima said flatly.
“If you won more, you wouldn’t have to watch them all the time,” Veera said. She brought her hand to her mouth, stifling a giggle.
Cosima laughed, jaw dropping in mock-offense.
“You brat,” she said. “That’s how you wanna play it, huh? Fine.”
She reached for her controller, but stopped short, covering her mouth with her arm as she began coughing. Veera recognized it instantly, instinctively bringing her hand to Cosima’s back as she sputtered and shook. She rubbed in small circles, willing her body to settle.
Veera knew what Cosima was going through, all too well. And though she hadn’t known her when Cosima first started showing symptoms, she was sure she’d handled it better than Veera had.
It had become Veera’s way of dealing with her problems: shutting herself away from everything and everyone around her. That way, they were her problems and no one else’s. It was the right thing to do. It had always felt like the right thing to do.
So she sat on her own, in a corner of the dark apartment she hadn’t left in days, her only company the fears swirling through her mind.
She was dying. Cosima was dying.
She screamed, not for the first time that day. Her voice cut through the stale air, filled the apartment for a brief moment, then snagged and died in her throat. The silence was unbearable. She missed Cosima. God, she missed her. She pulled her phone from her pocket and powered it on, desperate for anything from her.
The screen lit up green with a flurry of messages. One from Sarah.
> Hey you alright? We’re worried. Cos is worried.
Veera took a deep breath. Thirteen messages from Cosima.
> Dude
> Dune on Netflix
> It’s so weird
> You’re gonna hate it
> Anyway we’re watching it tonight
> You around?
> Missed you last night
> You okay?
> If you need space I’ll understand
> I don’t want to be the smothering girlfriend
> Just tell me so I know you’re okay?
> Veera
> Please
The messages became harder and harder to read through the tears. Veera had been thoughtless. She still wasn’t used to this, people worrying about her. Veera couldn’t bear the idea that she’d made Cosima worry. More than that, she couldn’t bear the idea that she’d made Cosima think she wanted this. To be left alone. To push away the best thing that had ever happened to her.
She brought up the keyboard and began typing.
> I’m symptomatic
Her thumb hovered over the ‘send’ button for just a moment, then pressed down. Her stomach lurched as the message went through. Almost instantly, the phone buzzed in her hand.
> Oh god Veera
> I’m coming over
Veera looked up. Suddenly, she felt it, all around her: the thick, crushing loneliness she’d buried herself in. She was sick of hiding.
Recognizing the sound of Cosima’s hurried footsteps outside on the pavement, she rushed to the door and threw it open. She blinked against the cutting brightness of the streetlights but was quickly enveloped by Cosima’s shadow, pulling her into a tight embrace.
“Hey,” she said, voice faint, tear-soaked.
“I’m sorry,” Veera whimpered into her shoulder.
Veera clung to her like a life preserver, touch-starved. Cosima placed a lingering kiss on her forehead.
“We’ll find a cure,” she said.
“I know.”
They’d had to adjust after Veera got sick, find their new rhythm. The illness was always a passenger, hanging above their heads. Some days were worse than others. Veera had her bad days, Cosima had hers, but one was always there to take care of the other. Today, it seemed, was one of Cosima’s bad days.
“You said you were tired,” Veera said, trying not to sound upset. She set the oxygen tank by Cosima’s feet and took a seat next to her, handing her her cannula.
“Yeah. Sorry, I know we’re not hiding it anymore,” Cosima said through wheezing breaths. “It’s just, tonight was so nice, you know? You cooked for me.”
She smiled, still somehow bright as ever.
“I didn’t wanna ruin it,” she said.
“You know I don’t mind.”
“I know,” Cosima said, nodding. She cleared her throat, wincing at the pain.
“I’ll make tea,” Veera decided. The tea helped. Not much, but it was something they knew they could do for each other.
Cosima took Veera’s hand, stopping her as she moved to stand. She pressed their foreheads together, meeting her eyes.
“What did I do so right to deserve a girl like you, huh?”
Veera’s heart fluttered in her chest. She squeezed Cosima’s hand. If she held on tight enough, to this moment, to what they had together, maybe she could keep it alive.
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primavera-p6 · 4 years ago
Understanding More about The Primavera Unifier
The Primavera Unifier is an easy-to-use & powerful solution useful in controlling costs, managing project portfolios, & managing communications & collaboration across projects. This tool provides project execution personnel & planners a platform for managing project portfolios effectively. This way, the use of capital funds is done in the efficient way possible. 
Pricing Details Not Yet Provided
As per the Primavera Unifier cost, it’s something not yet provided by the vendor. While the cost is not known yet for now, surely it’s something affordable and valuable of your money. 
Key Features
Be ultimately ready in paying the Primavera Unifier cost for its key features that make it great. Among these features include bottom-up & top-down visibility for project managers & planners; multiple data & scenarios linked to projects during the execution, powerful cash flow capabilities across a portfolio lifecycle; budget, spend, commitment, variance, & forecast management; cash flow curve generation for contracts, projects, cost codes, & line items; contract management & change controls; summary cash flow forecasts, support for the transaction currencies, & more. 
So many features are also highlighted like advanced document management, templates for rapid deployment & setup, document alerts, traceability, & reports for compliance, & control, detailed audit log, configurable & out-of-the-box business workflows, etc. 
Key Benefits
Among the key benefits to highly appreciate from the Primavera Unifier cost include the following: efficient use of capital funds available; investment prioritization maximizing return, configuration & automation of business processes matching the corporate workflow needs; enforcement of business rules for commits, budgeting, funding, & compliance & routing of documents; gaining of immediate visibility into the problem areas; planning for every line item, contract, & cost code, gaining visibility into disposition, the status of every funding source, & balance. 
Key Capabilities
Below are more of the capabilities of the Primavera Unifier that you’ll appreciate the most. 
·    Approved Portfolio to Ideas
The Primavera Unifier cost is indeed reasonable for more of its capabilities. This is a web-based platform that controls & fosters the project collection requests from the organization. It’s up to you to use a pre-configured project attributes or any other forms. The prospective projects are available in the portfolio scenarios for ultimate selection & comparison. 
·     Collaboration & Communication
The Primavera Unifier cost is indeed worthy for providing communication & collaboration.  All the daily progress reports, RFIs, meetings & submittals are recorded determining the success of a project. Everything about it will be stored in a secure & single place. This enables visibility into the potential delays or issues via alerts & workflows. 
·    Document Management
What’s included in the Primavera Unifier is the robust type of Document Manager modules. The documentation will utilize tight permission controls in managing access across the enterprise. The features often include check-out and check-in, full-text search, & version control. This is true for most Microsoft Office documents. 
Decide in obtaining the easy-to-use & powerful solution, Primavera Unifier. It’s worth considering this one despite its yet unknown cost!
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catgovind · 8 years ago
How to Install Primavera Unifier 17.1.7 on Windows
How to Install Primavera Unifier 17.1.7 on Windows
How to install Primavera Unifier 17.1.7 on Windows
    In this section, we go through how to install Primavera Unifier 17.1.7 on Windows machine
  1. Pre-Requisites
  1.1) Follow the link for instruction to download and install Oracle database 12C, make sure to refer STEP 9 in that link. Unifier supports only UTF8 character set.
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 12C
  1.2) Follow the link for…
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ffaqeeh8804-blog · 5 years ago
Powering Great Ideas: French Innovation and...
Discover how engineering consultant Assystem gained efficiency and improved project control with Oracle's Primavera P6 EPPM and Primavera Unifier.
Powering Great Ideas: French Innovation and...
Discover how engineering consultant Assystem gained efficiency and improved project control with Oracle's Primavera P6 EPPM and Primavera Unifier.
Oracle Champions
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caylam2020-blog · 5 years ago
Amid rapid growth, @Vesta improved its...
Amid rapid growth, Vesta improved its facilities management process efficiency by over 90% with Oracle’s Primavera Unifier. Read more.
Amid rapid growth, @Vesta improved its...
Amid rapid growth, @Vesta improved its #facilitiesmanagement process efficiency by over 90% with Oracle’s Primavera Unifier. Read more here. https://t.co/96EMOkNbJM
Oracle Champions
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